Sad news today. The New York Times reports author <b>J.D. Salinger</b>, writer of the incredible classic coming of age story <b><i>Catcher In The Rye</i></b>, is dead today at the age of 91. <b>Catcher</b> was such an amazing book to me when I read in in high school and one that gave an introspective view about the world through the eyes of a frustrated, restless young adult. Salinger was able to convey often-indescribable feelings through words like few before him had done. I'd read previously that a major movie company was looking to put <b>Catcher</b> into production but Salinger had impeeded the process. I wonder what will happen with it going forward...I would LOVE to see an on-screen adaptation. Maybe they'll cast me as a black <i>Holden Caulfield</i>, lol. <b><span style=">I salute you, Mr. Salinger, for your inspirational work and fruitful life! Be peace!


Posted via web from Sulaiman!